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Rachel Darwin, Senior Manager, Public Relations

[email protected], 267-622-6624

NCCN Releases Statement Addressing Ongoing Chemotherapy Shortages; Shares Survey Results Finding More than 90% of Cancer Centers are Impacted

National Comprehensive Cancer Network’s Department of Policy and Advocacy calls on Federal Government, pharmaceutical industry, providers, and payers to work together on solutions, as 93% of cancer centers surveyed report a shortage of carboplatin and 70% report shortages for cisplatin; two medications that are used in combination to cure many types of cancer.

PLYMOUTH MEETING, PA [June 7, 2023] — The National Comprehensive Cancer Network® (NCCN®)—an alliance of leading academic cancer centers—published survey results today that shed light on just how widespread the current platinum chemotherapy shortage is, and shared a statement calling on the whole oncology community to work together on solutions.

“This is an unacceptable situation. We are hearing from oncologists and pharmacists across the country who have to scramble to find appropriate alternatives for treating their patients with cancer right now,” said Robert W. Carlson, MD, Chief Executive Officer, NCCN. “We were relieved by survey results that show patients are still able to get life-saving care, but it comes at a burden to our overtaxed medical facilities. We need to work together to improve the current situation and prevent it from happening again in the future.” 

The statement from NCCN’s Policy and Advocacy department outlines specific steps that can be taken by the Federal Government, pharmaceutical industry, providers, and payers to help mitigate any impacts from the anti-cancer drug shortages. It notes: “The causes and solutions to the recurrent anti-cancer drug shortages that deprive oncology patients of optimal therapy are multiple and fixable. Effective solutions require a whole of oncology effort if they are to be successful.”

Carboplatin and cisplatin are platinum-based chemotherapies that are frequently used together for systemic treatment, often with the intent to cure. They have been proven to be highly effective across a variety of cancer types, including lung, breast, prostate, and gynecologic cancers, as well as many leukemias and lymphomas. These two treatments are indicated hundreds of times throughout the NCCN Drugs & Biologics Compendium (NCCN Compendium®)—a searchable database of every recommended medication use found in the NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology (NCCN Guidelines®). They are estimated to be used in the treatment of as many as 500,000 new cancer patients per year1.

The survey conducted by the NCCN Best Practices Committee features answers from 27 NCCN Member Institutions serving patients with cancer across the United States. According to their results, 93% of the centers are currently experiencing a shortage of carboplatin, and 70% have a similar lack of cisplatin.

According to the survey, which ran May 23-31, 2023, 100% of the centers are still able to treat patients who need cisplatin without any delays or claim denials. However, for carboplatin, that number drops to only 64% of centers that are able to keep all current carboplatin patients on the regimen. Another 20% report being able to continue this prescription for some but not all patients. Overall, 16% report treatment delays as a result of needing to re-obtain prior-authorization for modified treatment plans, but none have met with outright denials.

“These results demonstrate the widespread impact of the chemotherapy shortage,” said Alyssa Schatz, MSW, Senior Director of Policy and Advocacy for NCCN. “We hope that by sharing this survey and calling for united action across the oncology community, we can come together to prevent future drug shortages and ensure quality, effective, equitable, and accessible cancer care for all.”

The survey revealed that 40% of centers have received information from manufacturers and suppliers on when availability for carboplatin and cisplatin should resume.

Visit to view the full statement and for the survey results.

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About the National Comprehensive Cancer Network

The National Comprehensive Cancer Network® (NCCN®) is a not-for-profit alliance of leading cancer centers devoted to patient care, research, and education. NCCN is dedicated to improving and facilitating quality, effective, equitable, and accessible cancer care so all patients can live better lives. The NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology (NCCN Guidelines®) provide transparent, evidence-based, expert consensus recommendations for cancer treatment, prevention, and supportive services; they are the recognized standard for clinical direction and policy in cancer management and the most thorough and frequently-updated clinical practice guidelines available in any area of medicine. The NCCN Guidelines for Patients® provide expert cancer treatment information to inform and empower patients and caregivers, through support from the NCCN Foundation®. NCCN also advances continuing education, global initiatives, policy, and research collaboration and publication in oncology. Visit for more information.
