NCCN Store

Enterprise License for NCCN Templates

1 year/ 1-50 customer emails


Number of Users

50+For groups over 50, please contact us

The Enterprise License for NCCN Chemotherapy Order Templates (NCCN Templates®) provides permission to utilize the NCCN Templates® for integration, mapping and/or referencing into on-site Electronic Health Record systems (EHRs).

For purposes of clarity, this license does not allow for use of NCCN Content for the development or commercialization of any commercial product.

The Enterprise License includes access to the NCCN Templates database for up to 50 customer emails as well as NCCN Flash Updates, which provide timely email alerts when NCCN Content is updated.

Learn more about enhancements made to the NCCN Templates®.

Subscribers interested in a subscription for individual use of the NCCN Templates database without integration, mapping, or referencing into an EHR, please contact