Policy Priority: Equity


NCCN’s policy and advocacy department has made a resolute commitment to advancing cancer equity, actively collaborating with external stakeholders to identify and address systemic barriers, promoting equitable access to quality cancer prevention, treatment, and supportive services. View more about NCCN's work on advancing cancer equity. 

Care Coordination and Patient Navigation

NCCN has long recognized the importance of patient/provider communication and education throughout the cancer care continuum.  Over the last two decades, NCCN has developed a collection of resources and programs to support and educate stakeholders across the oncology spectrum, including physicians, researchers, nurses, policymakers, industry, payers, patients, and patient advocates.  NCCN publishes a library of NCCN Guidelines for Patients® based directly on the information found in the NCCN Guidelines to provide patients with the same information their doctors’ use, but in easier-to-understand language.  Additionally, the NCCN Guidelines for Survivorship are designed to provide a framework for the general survivorship care plus management for any potential long-term and/or late effects of cancer and its treatment that survivors may experience. In order to ensure optimal survivorship care for people with a history of cancer, NCCN affirms that:

  • High-quality cancer care is only possible when patients are appropriately informed of their treatment options and engaged in a shared decision-making process with their healthcare provider. NCCN supports legislative, regulatory, and coverage policy that advances the utilization of care management plans and patient navigation to advance the delivery of patient-centered care in oncology. NCCN is pleased to see the new CMS policy in the (CY) 2024 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) Final Rule that would provide for payment for Principal Illness Navigation services. While the new coding and payment for these navigation services are a crucial first step, reimbursement for such services is limited to certain settings and NCCN urges further expansion to additional settings.
  • Cancer care planning and coordination services are a critical component of high-quality cancer care. As such, these services should be supported and expanded to improve patient/physician communication, patient-centered care and shared decision making.

Clinical Trials